Sound Pages

A non-profit committed to the preservation of quiet...
Audio by Cofan Tribe Member...
Starring Toolangi's finest songbirds...
The aural richness of a habitat is a direct measure of its biodiversity. Compari...
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Starring Toolangi's finest songbirds...
The aural richness of a habitat is a direct measure of its biodivers...
A non-profit committed to the preservation of quiet...
Audio by Cofan Tribe Member...



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Composed and performed by Mike de Sousa

Piano Improvisation


As I hear I become. For all the words I write,...
Composed and performed by Mike de Sousa

Piano Improvisation


As I hear I become. For all the words I write, music needs no thought.

To be well: to be healthy in body, mind, and spirit.

Caring at its most beautiful is for something or for someone other than myself.

With music, if I am open, I hear, I feel, and I become.


Enjoy the music together with accompanying artwork and my thoughts: Well.html

To discover more about Mike visit his site at:
Composed and performed by Mike de Sousa

Solo Violin, Strings, Woodwind, Brass, and Piano.


Tide: the rise and...
Composed and performed by Mike de Sousa

Solo Violin, Strings, Woodwind, Brass, and Piano.


Tide: the rise and fall of sea; a change of state, physical or emotional; a period of time.

I ponder on the beauty of the rise and fall of water, our contact with the force of moon, the spin of earth, and pull of sun.

I think of how love can be as endless in its movement dependent on another, of how I feel as creature of the shore, by nature washed between the land and sea.


Enjoy the music together with an accompanying artwork:

To discover more about Mike visit his site at:
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