Sound Pages

A non-profit committed to the preservation of quiet...
The aural richness of a habitat is a direct measure of its biodiversity. Compari...
Starring Toolangi's finest songbirds...
Audio by Cofan Tribe Member...
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A non-profit committed to the preservation of quiet...
Starring Toolangi's finest songbirds...
Audio by Cofan Tribe Member...
The aural richness of a habitat is a direct measure of its biodivers...



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As humans, we need trees in order to survive.
Therefore it is a no-brainer that we do our utmost to plant, protect...
As humans, we need trees in order to survive.
Therefore it is a no-brainer that we do our utmost to plant, protect and nurture them.
Unfortunately as a species we are doing the opposite.
We need to change our thinking and behaviour immediately if we are to survive as a species.
Happy National Tree Day! (28 July 2019)
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