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  •   dincon commented on this post about 4 years
    Wildland farming can be an effective, low-cost method of ecological restoration, can't it? It surely seems it can! #rewilding
    This farm in England is run by its animals | Pioneers for Our Planet
    Wildland farming can change the environment, and the Knepp Estate is proof of this. By transforming agricultural deserts into something which is rich and bio...
    • V interesting! This is def the past and future of farming. Would be intd to find out how productive this type of farming is, ie. can it sustain ourV interesting! This is def the past and future of farming. Would be intd to find out how productive this type of farming is, ie. can it sustain our civilisation if intensively managed? Or will this only be effective after we lose a few billion? Reminds me a bit of do-nothing cropping..  https://youtu.be/XSKSxLHMv9k  More ...
    • I think we all agree that we urgently need to find new ways of restoring nature. And concepts like wildland farming, or "do-nothing cropping" asI think we all agree that we urgently need to find new ways of restoring nature. And concepts like wildland farming, or "do-nothing cropping" as you've mentioned, look very promising. However, from what I've read so far about wildland farming in particular, in order for that to be sustainable, not all of the land should revert to wildland.
      The whole concept behind all this, is rather creating the so called buffer zones and green corridors, around the farms. This has more chances to be accepted by both, the rural communities and the business world, and also, it's a way of retaining the financial support coming from the governments.
      So, yes, we must gain the balance back and work with nature, rather than against it. Cliche ? Sounds like it 🙂, but I guess that's the way to tackle climate change and keep things rolling in business at the same time.
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