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©2019 Earth.Org

Earth.Org is a global not-for-profit environmental organisation with headquarters in Hong Kong.

Our mission is to make the true impacts of human activity on our planet, better and more widely understood by policy makers. To encourage policies that eliminate destructive emissions by imposing a market price to correct the gargantuan market failure of excess pollution being produced by modern economic activities. To highlight the true economic and social costs of current over exploitation by humans of natural capital and bio-services for current and future generations. To demonstrate that palatable economic policies exist – that can most rapidly and effectively curb most if not all of the most destructive of current economic and social activities and that will encourage sustainable development.

We advocate for better governance of natural resources and campaigns for countries to adopt principles of natural capital accountancy into their economic policy making decisions.

To this aim, we bring the latest environmental news to a wider population, always in the context of where in the timeline we are now, and where our current pathway will likely take us. We use data science to extract insights from static and satellite data to form the basis of powerful arguments with data visualisations that better communicate just how far along the destructive pathway we have found ourselves.

Earth.Org aims to stir action. Urgent affirmative action. The time is now 2019. We, as humans, must change our ways and fast.


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Restoring failed forests, monitoring turtles, birds and corals, and teaching our Peop...
Deforestation, especially clearfelling, is an unsustainable process that threatens wi...
Incredible marvels of evolution, these birds astound with their beauty, complexity an...
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Tasmanian Devils are threatened by Devil Facial Tumour Disease. The disease afflicts ...
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Prior to European settlement the Greater Sooty Owl was abundant in Victoria's montane fore...
I paint the Australian landscape, but present it as street art in inner city urban space a...



Trees and plants exhibit many of the same features that we associate with intelligence and...
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We present photos from our visits to 58 national parks in South- and South-Western Europe....
An exploration of how life developed on Earth...

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