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  •   david commented on this post about 4 years
    A woodman comes into the forest and begs the trees to give him a handle made of the hardest wood. The other trees selected the wood of the wild olive. The man took the handle and fitted it to his axe. Then, without a moment's hesitation, he began to chop down the trees' mighty branches and trunks, taking whatever he wanted. The oak tree then said to the ash, 'It serves us right, since we gave our enemy the handle he asked for!'
    This text comes from the Mediaeval Latin fable collection of Ademar of Chabannes. Tip of the day maybe? Thought good to share anyway .....🌿
    • There is unrest in the forest
      There is trouble with the trees
      For the maples want more sunlight
      And the oaks ignore their pleas

      The trouble with theThere is unrest in the forest
      There is trouble with the trees
      For the maples want more sunlight
      And the oaks ignore their pleas

      The trouble with the maples
      And they’re quite convinced they’re right
      They say the oaks are just too lofty
      And they grab up all the light

      But the oaks can’t help their feelings
      If they like the way they’re made
      And they wonder why the maples
      Can’t be happy in their shade?

      There is trouble in the forest
      And the creatures all have fled
      As the maples scream ‘oppression!’
      And the oaks, just shake their heads

      So the maples formed a union
      And demanded equal rights
      ‘The oaks are just too greedy
      We will make them give us light’

      Now there’s no more oak oppression
      For they passed a noble law
      And the trees are all kept equal
      By hatchet, / Axe, / And saw
      [Lyrics by Rush]
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